The pastors in Pangasinan and Bicol Regions are church planters, with a passion to expand the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They train people to become pastors and missionaries. They help them to start a new congregation, to look for a place and to build a church to worship the Lord our God. This task is not easy to accomplish. Jesus' love move them, to care and to help each other, this is amazing love!
In some places are extreme poverty, the resources are few, but they pastors are walking the walk! They need prayers, yes. They need your help financing the new churches and their congregation to worship the Lord. The field is plenty, but workers are few!
The population on Pangasinan reached 2024 over 3.1 millions and Bicol more than 6 millions. The fields are humongous.
We are called to the fields of the Lord to evangelize everyone on this earth that need to hear the gospel of Christ. The field is plenty and the laborers are few the Lord said. Some of us will not answer a call for a mission, because there is a sacrifice to leave the love ones behind, but the love to our Lord Jesus is calling us to do it. This call is not for everyone!
Therefore, we can sacrifice a small amount of money to help them to continue planting churches for their congregations to meet to praise the Lord. At the same time, you join them altogether planting churches on Pangasinan, Bicol and beyond. The reward will be amazing when many people come to the Lord. 2 Corinthians 2:14 the Lord praises the widow who gave her last coins at the temple, you can give what your heart desires. Your generosity will help them to build the walls and roofs of these churches!
The purpose of this website is to open the eyes and hearts of many christian people around the world. You may be active or not in your church, you can support this mission offering a donation to build more churches in Pangasinan, Bicol and beyond. In doing that, you will feel satisfied and joyful supporting these pastors and being blessed.
May the Lord blesses all of you who will send a donation!
Bicol: Pastor Sam Chavez, homeless. He made with bamboo a church beside a Rice Farm and a bedroom for his 4 children as well. He has a big heart for the new generation of believers. He sends children to invite the neighbors' children to have a meal (3 times a day) at the church. At night time, parents and children congregate there to hear the gospel. He does it everyday. He loves the Lord and feels happy with his mission! Pastor Sam has not financial support, but his faith make the miracle of abundant everyday. He needs funds to buy a piece of land and built a church and a house for his son to see!When the Rice Farm is irrigated his place gets overflow, and they must take shelter on a higher place. He needs to move to a secure area, but has no funds for it. Kindly, lend a helping hand to Pastor Sam!
Testimony Nov 2024 The Philippines was hit by typhoons and super typhoons. Pastor Sam and his 4 children were in the middle of the typhoons; they caused destruction all over the place. Pastor's place and church were destroyed, but the Lord of lords Jesus Christ was with them, they survived without scars.
This is the God we believe and serve. His Name is Jesus Christ! To Him be the Glory
The pastors in Pangasinan are rising an structure that will be the "School for Pastors". They have 20 students that will graduate this year. They sleep inside this building; it has not beds, They come into this place every week with the hope to become pastors and have a congregation and a church to serve and praise the Lord. The school still unfinished they don't have the $10,000 to completely finish it. You can help! Yes, you may miss "a cup of coffee" and send your contribution to finish this school. They are being trained to sever as pastors on those regions.
If we do not have the call for mission, we must contribute with those who has it. The new students who come to these building even do it is not finished, has the heart of service as pastors in huge land where jobs are far away from towns and cities, schools and colleges.
There are no beds, no tables but they hearts are full of joy to serve the Lord and congregations, even though, some left their own families behind. A living sacrifice, it is what the Lord demands for us!
These students shows their commitment to the Lord, despise the discomfort they faced studying at this unfinished building.